HomeProductsFerno SKED Rescue Stretcher Kit Orange

Ferno SKED Rescue Stretcher Kit Orange


  • Compact storage, ease of use and flexibility while transporting has made the SKED Rescue Stretcher popular with rescue squads, military and ski patrols.
  • Made from a heavy sheet of plastic, the stretcher becomes rigid when folded around the patient.
  • A variety of handles and straps assist with multiple forms of stretcher transportation including vertical and horizontal lifts with rope systems and helicopter transportation.
  • These handles and straps also help with towing the stretcher.
  • Sliding is made possible with the smooth bottom surface of the stretcher.
  • The full system comes complete with the stretcher, Cordura nylon backpack/towing harness, 2 x straps, horizontal lift slings, vertical lift sling, large steel karabiner and four removable web handles.
Product Code: FERCMC752001 Brand: Categories: ,