SKYLOTEC IGNITE ION Lightweight Work Harness M/XXL
- Our new all-round safety harness for all classical applications in construction and maintenance has above all one major feature due to simplified adjustment options in the chest and leg area as well as three different sizes
- Exceptional fit! Even for users who rarely wear personal protective equipment against falls from height, the IGNITE ION is extremely easy to use and self-explanatory.
- Features two Fall Arrest attachment points.
- An alloy rear (Dorsal) & Webbing loops (Sternal) at the chest.
- The innovative OKTALOCK click buckles made of stainless steel include new adjustment elements that eliminate undesirable loosening of the webbing during movement and overcome the need for readjusting during work.
- User-friendly, self-explanatory, safe
- Easy to put on and adjust
- Alloy rear (Dorsal) attachment point
- Large webbing Fall Arrest loops (chest) with wear indicator
- Adjustable Confined Space loops